Partners Guldager attending Ajour 2021 with Gaffey Monochloramine tech
We’re excited to see our partners Guldager, Water Wise Treatment attending this year’s Ajour 2021 with our Monochloramine generation & dosing system, chloriDOS® MC.
Guldager is a Danish-owned company with experience dating back to 1923, combining technologies and skills to handle total solutions in water treatment.
They take our chloriDOS® MC system, specifically developed for the increasing use of Monochloramine as a very effective treatment in the control and prevention of biofilm and legionella in warm and hot water systems.
Ajour 2021 takes place on the 25 & 26th of November at the Odense Congress Center, Denmark.
Contact us to find out more about chloriDOS® MC here

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