Effluent & Waste Water Treatment

For cost-effective disinfection and decontamination of waste-water outflows, our unique patented chemical generation systems provide a safe, reliable and consistent solution for this critical application with the additional benefits of sustainability, reliability and safety.

A cost effective, environmentally sound alternative to chlorine

Chlorination using gaseous chlorine and commercial hypochlorite is commonly used for wastewater disinfection, but environmentally friendly alternatives are becoming a priority for the sector. With no toxic chlorinated by-products and a low dose rate, chlorine dioxide treatment of wastewater offers a safe, environmentally friendly alternative that is ideally suited for wastewater applications.

ClO₂ is able to cope with turbid waters, and requires low maintenance – making it an ideal alternative to UV systems. Unlike UV, ClO₂ will also remove both H2S odours and the sulphide reducing bacteria that cause odour complaints and corrosion. ClO₂ degrades to harmless salt in waste water networks, making it an ideal environmentally friendly alternative.

Hyprolyser electrochlorination systems

Using only cost-effective and renewable salt, our unique, British-built electrochlorination systems offer a safe and sustainable option to chlorine. By generating hypochlorite in-situ, our electrolysers upgrade company safety, removing chlorine storage and transportation to protect waste treatment workers whilst upgrading reliability and efficiency.

chloriDOS® iOX® chlorine dioxide systems

Providing incredible safety, efficiency and accuracy in the control of bacteria, biofilm and legionella, our chloriDOS® iOX® chlorine dioxide systems are the next generation of on-site water disinfection solution.

Which system is right for your application?

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